

Hands Healing Hands is an oil painting series that illustrates the highly technical field of medicine from a humanistic perspective. These five paintings follow a plastic surgeon and his pediatric patients in both the operating room and clinic, compiling multiple hand cases into one narrative. Execution of my project began with color and compositional studies, preliminary sketches, and photography. Surgery requires reflection, compassion, and insight into the human condition in addition to a discerning eye. I chose to focus on hand surgery because it is a field that shines light on the organ that allows artists to express themselves in the first place. The hands in each painting attempt to convey emotion and narrate pivotal moments of the healing process. In addition to the artistry of surgery, I attempt to depict the relationship between physician and patient that is formed in a space of vulnerability and mutual trust.

Hands Healing Hands was exhibited in the Li Ka Shing Center at Stanford School of Medicine and the Gunn Foyer Gallery of McMurtry at Stanford University.